Newspoll via The Oz have released a Victorian State poll – usually these jobbies come in every two months, but we havent had one since February. The primaries come in at 42 (down 4) / 37 (up 3) to Labor, washing out into a two party preferred of 56/44 the same way – a 4 point gain to the Coalition since last poll. This come from a sample of 1150, giving us an MoE that maxes out around the 2.9% mark.

Worth noting is the general decline in the net-satisfaction levels of both the Labor government and Liberal opposition, with the government dropping 10 points to come in at 11, while the Opposition dropped 7 points to come in at negative 9. The other thing worth mentioning is the continuing rise of the Green vote over the last 2 to 3 years, firstly at the net expense of the broad “Others” vote, then later at the broad net expense of Labor – with the Libs seeming to lose a few while the Greens grew right at the end of the series.

The usual charts come in like this:

vicprimsj30 victppj30

vicgreensj30 betterpremvicj30

vicpremsatj30 vicopsatj30

vicnetsatsj30 vicmarginsatsj30