To throw into perspective just how bad the last Newspoll was for Malcolm Turnbull’s satisfaction rating dynamics, it might be worth comparing Turnbull’s poll result with the historically worse cases of satisfaction rating plummets over the last 20 odd years of Newspoll.

If we take take the monthly average of the satisfaction, dissatisfaction (and consequently, net satisfaction) ratings for Opposition leaders going back to December 1985, we can measure the largest single month changes to see how Malcolm compares. It’s probably also worth having a squiz at the largest changes that occurred over a 2 month period as well – just to see the historical context of how things might pan out.

To start with, we’ll have a look at all of the single monthly drops in the satisfaction ratings for oppositions leaders that were ten points or greater, and we’ll do the same with drops 10 points or greater that occurred over 2 months:

1monopsat 2monopsat

We can also do exactly the same thing for the increase in dissatisfaction ratings of Opposition leaders:

1mondissat 2mondissat

Finally, the one month change in the net satisfaction figures:


Not much really needs to be said there – the charts sort of speak for themselves.