Tony Fitzgerald isn’t interested in shades of grey. His attack on Queensland governments of both sides last night was couched in black and white. Wayne Goss and Matt Foley pursued his reforms in the early 90s, but thereafter the whole country moved to the right, along with Queensland, and the Nationals, who were still unfit to govern, got back in. Then Peter Beattie was elected and found success appealing to those who had supported Bjelke-Petersen.
Access can now be purchased, patronage is dispensed, mates and supporters are appointed and retired politicians exploit their political connections to obtain “success fees” for deals between business and government.
No wonder Beattie immediately hit back, boasting of his reform record and personal probity. Fitzgerald seems to suggest the problem is with Queensland itself, which is too conservative, and its political parties too short-sighted, to ever pursue genuine reform.
His analysis is too simplistic — so much so that it doesn’t do anything to assist those trying to pursue reform.
A significant problem with the Beattie Government was Beattie’s own lack of judgement about his ministers, a number of whom had serious lapses in probity or committed criminal acts. To an extent he was captive to the quality of ministers and staff served up to him by Queensland Labor’s factions. But Beattie’s style was a contributing factor. A former Minister — in one of the state’s most sensitive portfolios — told Crikey of how they had approached Beattie to complain that their advisers, who had been placed there by factional leaders, were so inept that they were simply unable to effectively operate as a Minister. But Beattie politely fobbed off the request for help.
Beattie was also an expert at blustering about how he was determined to address impropriety, but never putting in place any structures or systems to deal with it.
Now the longevity of Labor rule in Queensland — with only a two-year spell out of office over the last two decades — is haunting Anna Bligh’s government. Queensland business is riddled with former senior Labor ministers whose connections within the government, the Labor Unity faction and the bureaucracy are highly-valued. Sometimes the value of regular rotations of governments are clear.
In contrast to the implication of Fitzgerald’s criticism, Bligh — who has had her own, albeit minor, difficulties with electoral disclosure — has taken significant steps toward greater accountability than that seen under Beattie.
The State’s FOI laws — the tool for some of the most egregious abuses of executive power in the Beattie era — are being comprehensively reformed, including greater access to Cabinet documents. And Bligh’s lobbyist code of conduct goes further than Kevin Rudd’s, imposing a two-year cooling off period for former ministers rather than eighteen months. Her Lobbyist Register requires lobbyists to list clients stretching back twelve months, rather than only their current clients, providing greater information about business-lobbyist links than under the Commonwealth register, which only provides a current snapshot of who is representing whom.
Bligh’s register also requires the identification of success fees, where lobbyists earn a bonus if their lobbying efforts are successful.
Today Bligh went further and announced that success fees will be banned — a step that other state governments should urgently adopt. A number of lobbyists have made clear their deep unhappiness with the proposal, according to Bligh Government sources — as have a number of MPs, who can see their post-political prospects shrinking with every advance in transparency.
Judging by the reaction, it is clear that success fees play a lot more prominent a role in lobbying in Queensland than the Lobbyist Register entries suggest.
Fitzgerald’s assertion that systemic corruption remains part of Queensland culture is hard to sustain. But Anna Bligh has major problems with a Queensland Labor culture of lobbying and looking after mates. Transparency is the most effective way of dealing with it.
Bernard, you are being too kind (or naive). After Fitzgerald, all pollies hated the changes, particularly the CJC. The police lobbied hard to have the CJC defanged and Beattie caved in to them. The CMC, Beattie’s substitute creation, no longer investigates crooked cops, they do it themselves! Because Qld has no upper house to review pollies’ decisions, all governements here run amok at times and feather their mate’s nests. The attitude of ‘the end justifies the means’ created in the Bjelke Petersen years still permeates Qld political life. You will recall that Beattie was a great admirer of Petersen. It’s time to clean out the stables again, bring on another Fitzgerald. Alex
Should make for interesting reading in The Australian today. Even allowing for barracking, what about TF’s own experience of being frozen out of high level positions in Qld ever since the Inquiry?
What about the decimation, according to rumour, of the Qld version of ICAC, the CJC, CMC or whatever it’s called now?
Lee Rhiannon MP (Greens in NSW), who sponsors the ground breaking democracy4sale website, has just issued this media release below as lite reading for the ALP tribes as they gather for their national conference – you can at least be sure there is no corporation money behind this:
Greens MP Lee Rhiannon – Media Release – 29 July 2009
ICAC should follow QLD lead and investigate political fundraisers
Greens MP and donations spokesperson Lee Rhiannon is calling on ICAC to follow its QLD cousin’s lead and launch a systemic investigation into the corrupting influence of political fundraisers and donations (‘Inquiry into meetings with politicians’, p.4, SMH, today). A national anti-corruption conference is being held in Brisbane today, hosted by ICAC and its equivalents in QLD and WA.
Ms Rhiannon says the practice of corporations paying for access to MPs is highlighted by the start of tomorrow’s National ALP Conference at Darling Harbour. Business observers are being invited to pay $7,500 per person to attend special meetings, briefings and social functions. (See [website])
“Queensland’s Crime and Misconduct Commission is investigating the practice of corporations paying for access meetings with politicians. This shows the tide has turned and fundraisers and donations should be investigated in NSW,” Ms Rhiannon said.
“Today QLD Premier Anna Bligh is launching a donations discussion paper proposing a ban on these kinds of practices. This puts new pressure on Premier Rees to act to clean up fundraisers and political donations.
“To date ICAC has baulked at undertaking specific investigations into possible corruption identified by the Greens as a result of fundraisers and donations to political parties.
“In 2008 my colleague Sylvia Hale asked ICAC to investigate donations from property developers to political parties and candidates, handing over 300 pages of evidence. She alleged donations contributed to a systemic corruption of the planning system in NSW.
“ICAC should follow Queensland’s lead and recommend ways to fireproof democracy from the corrupting influence of donations and fundraisers.
“The public feels uncomfortable with the government inviting big business to pay for exclusive access to politicians.
“Yet the major parties in NSW continue to lure corporations into paying big money to attend functions where it is offered the ear of government.
“Premier Rees must now recognise that voters are rightly cynical about the practice of buying access to politicians and act to remedy the situation,” Ms Rhiannon said.
Bernard is also very generous to Beattie who was in the habit of stating, “there will be no more of this…”, except just once more for my little mate. So Beattie said (about 1999) no more canal estates – and then had the Queensland Government build one at Magnetic Island in 2001-03. Beattie said – no more jobs for the boys (including himself) after leaving office – and then took one himself as Queensland trade rep in the USA.
Beattie said he would have transparent government processes – and about 2005 arranged for his treasurer (Anna Bligh) to create legislation that would take certain coastal development projects out of the standard planning process to become untouchable in any Queensland court. For example casino land [seabed] at Townsville slated to become a 700 dwelling canal will be assessed inhouse by the government – not in a standard environmental process appealable in an environmental court. Bligh herself wrote that the purpose of the legislation was to protect such developments from “third party appeals”. The developer will be CityPacific if it ever gets another credit rating. Will it get a government guarantee?
This kind of sleazy backroom job is actually worse than the blatant dodgy practices of the Joh and Russ Hinze era because writers like our Bernard dress it up as post-Fitzgerald pragmatism when in fact it is self serving indulgence of the “Whatever it takes…” variety.
Very courageous Bernard, but then not a very ethical article. Every piece of evidence points to Fitzgerald being correct. And I could be wrong but I am sure his past deeds probably gives him a bit of a licence to have a say on this matter. But then how could Fitzgerald’s past track record possibly compete with the brilliant rantings of a fantatical left wing showman like Keane.
Even after we have had a conga line of QLD ALP politicians line up for jail in recent years, Keane still declares the system clean.
It just goes to show that he will excuse any left wing corrupt government if it means keeping the right wing out of office.
Keane’s arguements are impossible to sustain, he should move on, his credibility is shot.
I remember one instance where a former Beattie Minister told one Brisbane reporter they didn’t need to answer questions about relationships as a third party lobbyist because they “were no longer in Parliament”, having left Parliament two months earlier. This may be so, but it was the arrogance with which they said it, as if to say “f- off, I am untouchable”. A quick check of their interests on the Lobbyist Register shows association with serveral of the largest property developers in Queensland, including one whose interests were defended in Crikey! last week.
I am not suggesting there has been anything untoward here, but unfortunately the actions of Ministers in Queensland governments of the immediate past means that former Ministers and MPs making political introductions and being paid success fees is murky.