If it wasn’t clear before, it should be clear after his remarks at the ALP National Conference and his Government’s ruthless strangulation of the Coalition on climate change: Kevin Rudd is planning for Labor to be in government for a very long time.
All Governments plan that, of course, and most achieve it, but Rudd is clearly leaving nothing to chance.
The Opposition, in contrast, seems flat out working out what it is doing tomorrow. While they respond to the short-term agenda of the Government, they are distracted from long-term planning. The Liberals — if not the Nationals, who are beyond help – have to get a lot smarter, because at the moment Kevin Rudd is doing the thinking for both of them.
They need to accept they will lose the next election, whether sooner or later, double dissolution or not. No Government in 70 years has failed to win a second term, and the only chance the Opposition had — of the Government’s economic stimulus measures failing to prevent a huge rise in unemployment — has vanished. It might be a hard message to accept, but it’s critical to enable the Opposition to plan for the long-term — using Opposition, as Tony Abbott suggests, to rearm itself ideologically, to renew its talent, to sort out structural issues, to produce a quality leadership.
That’s what the ALP did. It was a basket case for much of the early part of this decade, but it found its feet again and now looks invincible.
Malcolm Turnbull, with very little help from his colleagues, is trying to do some necessary house-keeping on climate change. Whether or not he is concerned about the threat of a double dissolution election, he is surely convinced of the need to get climate change off the agenda, because it is loser for the Coalition. He needs to get the political debate back to the handful of issues where the conservatives are not a distant second to the Government. Inch by inch he is dragging his party to this realisation, but it’ll take a while yet.
His colleagues need to smarten up and understand that they are in for the long haul. Like Labor, they won’t get back into government until they’ve done the necessary work.
“[Turnbull’s] colleagues need to smarten up and understand that they are in for the long haul.”
I think the first indication that have smartened up will be when they find a replacement for Turnbull. By his nature he is neither a leader, nor a politician. Nor can I discern any honest, deep felt philosophy in the fellow. His only motive for entering politics appears to be hubris.
Hi there KERRY. As usual your comment is apposite, and I more than agree that Malcolm the Mad’s only reason for entering politics was his vainglorious hubris. As for philosophy the only member of the Liberal Party who has any, is the even Madder Abbott. But as his philosophy is rancid far right-wing fundamentalist Catholic he would be anathema to a large section of the electorate. ‘What about the rest?’ I can hear you muttering. To which I can only say ‘Indeed, what about the rest?’
Regards to all. Have you run into Machiavelli on your travels? I would have thought he would be very good value.
Venise: I must insist on your addressing me as Bullmore. I shook off that other sissy name when I shuffled off the mortal coil. As for Machiavelli, the bastard cheats at cards.
What about the rest indeed. The writer quotes Abbott on the need for the Opposition to renew its talent. I can’t see that happening in the short term unless there are wholesale resignations and by-elections.
BTW, I responded about Machiavelli and it attracted a “Your comment is awaiting moderation” label. The things I have to endure these days.
No one cares what Kevin Rudd thinks.