Some Queensland government MPs are resigned to the fact that they are caught in a lose/lose situation. One prominent MP from the Right side of the ALP divide, while chatting loudly in the corridors, was heard to say that even if all of the union campaigns finished tomorrow, this government would still be a dead duck at the next election. He went on to say that moves were afoot for not only the Premier to depart but maybe a few senior ministers as well.

More heads roll in ABC Enterprises this week, yet no public statement. Why the secrecy and what have sackings in that department cost over the past three years?

AAPT changed its plan fees on September 1. They activated and charged me for two email addresses that had not been used in at least five years. I was charged $10.95 dial up access for one and $79.95 broadband access for another. On questioning these charges I was told that because the email addresses had never been closed, they could be activated and charged for. After 36 minutes on the phone, the addresses were cancelled and the fees refunded. If you have ever had an email account with AAPT,  check your bills.

The Trading Post publishes its final print edition tomorrow (Thursday) after 43 years. Competition is hotting up in Victoria for the spoils. Stuart Simson today has  announced a new fortnightly paper, Trading Mart starting in November. Independent publisher Ash Long is already on the streets with a weekly: the combined Melbourne Observer-Melbourne Trader. It is 56 pages this week and is stacked with ads. Simson has recruited former Trading Post GM Tony Hatton. Long has hired several of the Trading Post phone room women. Simson and Long have been around the media for 40 years. It should be fascinating as they slug it out.

Is ANZ kidding? They write to me telling me how wonderful it is that I get offered an ANZ American Express credit card where I can earn “extra” points, while at the same time in the same letter they advise my current ANZ Qantas Visa Card is being stripped of its ability to earn points by half! Now cardholders can earn only one point for every $2 spent, but don’t worry, here’s another credit card to help you. What a joke and what a way to lose a loyal customer!

Meanwhile on the grassy knoll … I am suspicious about this supposed shark attack that has News Limited editors changing their underpants. There’s only one photo available, and it is a little bit blurry — wouldn’t there be lots of photos of such a phenomenon?

The bites are on each side of the shark like someone eating a hamburger. Most importantly, there’s no quote from anyone who has actually seen the injured shark. Is anyone sure this is not just a photoshopped mock-up? In fact, is anyone sure it is not just a photo of Pauline Hanson from 20 years ago?