Is Andre Agassi’s name even Andre Agassi?

It’s worth asking considering other revelations contained in Agassi’s autobiography titled Open published next week. Thanks to sensational serialised extracts from the book, media outlets all over the world have been happy to give Agassi’s book fantastic free publicity. The five-times Grand Slam champ’s confessions that he used crystal meth, took speed before matches and lied to tennis authorities about it when caught was always likely to get a lot of attention. Agassi’s admission that he wore a mullet wig for much of the 1990s has also helped get the American tennis legend back in the spotlight. This, Wayne Carey, is how you promote a forthcoming autobiography.

It all leaves a bitter taste though. It’s not like Agassi is confessing his sins (and that mullet was a sin) due to a newfound sense of honesty. He’s doing it for money. Surely he doesn’t need any more cash? Unless he’s also about to admit to a degenerate gambling problem too. Perhaps that’s chapter 7 or 13.

No matter which way it’s spun, Agassi’s actions and – more importantly – his lies to avoid punishment when caught were disgraceful. He won’t be remembered so fondly by many tennis and sports fans now.

It’s Andrés Gómez you have to feel sorry for. He must be gutted that his sole Grand Slam title has been tarnished by claims his opponent’s wig worries on the day was a major factor in his win.

Don’t buy Andre Agassi’s book. If you must read it, steal it. And if you’re caught, deny everything. Agassi will understand.