
Obviously, Crikey’s fashion section is gaining international attention. This morning we received an email:

I am writing to inform you and indeed extend an invitation to Crikey to attend Pakistan’s second Fashion Week being held in Lahore from the 16-19 February 2010. I do apologise for this invitation being sent at such short notice but the insecure socio-political context of Pakistan forbade us from committing to the aforementioned dates until now.

Pakistan Fashion Week — event planner’s worst nightmare.

If getting to Pakistan for fashion week is just too much of a logistical hassle — not enough time/nothing to wear — then tonight we suggest you get a preview of the catwalk action at

Highlights include an article on the hottest designers in Pakistan atm, including Nilofer Shahid, whose latest collection “depicts an affinity with Islamic calligraphy and Mughal architecture and the heritage of Central Asia”. And forget ivory, blush and champagne, the key bridal colours this season are orange and aqua.

You’ll be unsurprised to learn that Bollywood star Govinda again tops the list for “worst dressed celebrity“. Still, crazy looks good on him.

As Fashion Central says (and no doubt you’ll be nodding your head in agreement here):

Flamboyance is not where Govinda stops, Govinda gets loud in his style. But what is commendable is how Govinda made this worst-dressed image work in his favor for the slapstick comedies Govinda was doing in the earlier part of his career. Govinda does not care.