Anybody watching cricket?
Anybody watching cricket?

Firstly, I’m a massive cricket fan. And if I hadn’t been at cricket training last night, I think I may have joined the 1.4 million people who preferred to watch Seven’s junk tabloid Today Tonight instead of watching Australia take on the disgrace that is the West Indies in the latest 50 over match.

Well probably not.

But I do know this — just 635,000 people watched the cricket on Nine at prime time.

Despite what the players and administrators say about playing all three forms of the game, this figure alone (635,000 viewers on TV — not the crowd figures) — will determine the future of One Day cricket.

Simply put, people are watching something else. Anything else. It’s now only the die hards who are watching.

Can this be resolved? How? Should cricket take a leaf out of Today Tonight‘s book and interview shonky car dealers during the innings break?

What is the future of One Day cricket?