The Federal Government has pushed back next week’s Senate vote on its emissions trading scheme in favour of one on means testing the 30% private health insurance rebate, in what the pundits are calling a fairly blatant move to score a double dissolution trigger:

The Australian

Michael Sexton: The electoral cycle favours Rudd

What the longevity of almost all state and territory governments suggests is that it is difficult for an opposition to come to power except through the electorate’s view that it is time for a change

The Age

Michelle Grattan: A health-rebate double dissolution is on the cards

Rudd can still say he is running (more or less) full term … But if he wants his big-ticket reforms, the double dissolution is the road to go. Anything else would be a cop-out.

Sydney Morning Herald

Phillip Coorey: Labor digs in for early election

A senior source said the government was seeking a trigger based on health, especially as next month the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, will unveil his plan for public health reform, which he plans to be an election centrepiece.