
Given this weekend’s 2 for 1 election special, we thought we’d give you cocktails to watch the results coverage with tomorrow night, no matter what state you’re in.

South Australia

For Labor voters: The Rann-dy — a variation on the shandy, this cocktail (also known as the Turbo Shandy) will wake you up faster than a rolled-magazine to the head. Warning: you might regret it in the morning.

For Liberal voters: Isabelli Sophisticated — You hadn’t heard of this cocktail until recently, but you really like the idea of it. Inspired by Berri Sophisticated, this cocktail with blueberries and champagne will make you feel warm all over.


For Labor voters: Vodka Bartlett. With apologies to the Gimlet, this drink is best when shaken, which shouldn’t be a problem for the ALP right now.

For Liberal voters: Optimist or pessimist? We’ve got a drink for every electoral outcome. The Landslide (a variation on the Mudslide), The Limbo or …  Death in the Afternoon (absinthe, champagne and a sure-fire way to forget).

Greens voters: Greentini — who knew that a drink made of gin, crème de menthe and bitters could actually prove popular. But there you go.