The battle of wills between Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Victorian Premier John Brumby over public hospital reform stepped up yesterday, as Brumby made the trip up north to put his case to the National Press Club.

In yesterday’s Crikey Daily Mail, Bernard Keane argued that it was simply a game by the Premier to distract the public from his own political problems back home, especially in light of revelations from SA Premier Mike Rann that Brumby rejected a 50-50 funding split for hospitals only 18 months ago:

Brumby is a provincial leader playing a provincial game: his opposition to the federal government’s proposal is a huge distraction from his own deepening political woes.

But it looks like Brumby isn’t the only one unwilling to sign on Rudd’s dotted line, with The Oz (and The West) reporting today:

Leaked advice prepared by the Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance says the state treasurers have collectively been discussing with the federal government their concerns about the financial risks of the health reform program.

They fear it exposes them to further GST raids by the commonwealth.

So did Brumby put up a good enough show on the big stage to damage Rudd? Can he hold his resolve against the combined pressure of Canberra and other state leaders? And will his defiance play well with voters back home, or are Victorians cringing at their premier’s posturing?

Here’s how the nation scored round one of Brumby versus the world:

The Australian

Gary Johns: Brumby stands up to PM on health

Taxpayers need a countervailing power to create a sensible solution to the next step in health funding. Brumby is that power.

Samantha Maiden: Words for the nerds . . . enough already

It’s pure agony watching two grown nerds bitch-slapping each other on national television.

Sydney Morning Herald

Phillip Coorey: Brumby scuttles Rann’s best efforts

Sources said Brumby stands up to Rudd the most and shows no sign of backing down this time

The Age

Michelle Grattan: Brumby’s resolve robs Rudd of a ‘clean victory’ on health

Relations between Rudd and Brumby are described as ‘‘toxic’’

Paul Austin: Brumby wants a fistful of dollars, or Rudd has a full-on fight

John Brumby is on fire, and Kevin Rudd and any premier inclined to yield to the Prime Minister on health had better watch out.

Courier Mail

Dennis Atkins: No Rann plaudits for the new Dr No

The Brumby “nyet, nein, nope” response to Rudd’s national health and hospitals network plan has left the Prime Minister cranky and his Adelaide mate is not happy either

Daily Telegraph

Malcolm Farr: Brumby the outsider in battle of the bigheads

They are two mega egos backed by equally massive strength of will


Barrie Cassidy: Defiant Brumby refuses to toe the line

His resolute opposition to the Federal Government’s hospital package is deep-seated and genuine


Guy Beres: Peanut farmers, rocks and hard places

The fraternal politics of the situation for the Labor Party are diabolical