803088I have Keating! The Musical on my iPod. With solid-gold hits like I Remember Kirribilli, The Arse End of the Earth and I Want To Do You Slowly, it’s on high rotation.

The ABC filmed this wildly successful show from Sydney’s terrific Company B playhouse a couple of years back for broadcast and DVD. It’s great value, too, for a couple of reasons: one, watching Cheryl Kernot squirm in the audience during the romantic duet Heavens, Mister Evans, and two, the spectacle of a giddy Keating — the real one — dancing on stage post-show. Now that’s worth paying for.

Except you don’t have to. Because I’ve ferreted through the Crikey prize cupboard and found four copies of the show declared a “triumph” by the Sun Herald on the box cover. An entirely appropriate gift to launch our new theatre blog, wouldn’t you say?

But you have to earn it. Tell us another Australian public figure that deserves their own musical tribute. Maybe suggest a couple of the big show-stopping numbers you’d include. The four most creative answers — as judged shrewdly by the musical-loving Crikey crew — will win a copy of the best Australian musical since … well …

Leave your answers in the comments section below. We’ll close off entries next Friday, May 21.