This almost surreal campaign continues, with one side starting up a scare campaign on what is thought to be a weak point of the other, the other side immediately caving in and agreeing to no change ever without every Australian citizen’s signature in blood. Post-modern politics is here in spades. We may be disengaged but I’m not sure we deserved this.

Meanwhile the Ghost of Winter Solstice Past continues to be the prominent third wheel in the campaign — Kevin Rudd is well ahead of anyone other than the leaders in media mentions as leaks from the kitchen cabinet continue, most media pointing the bone at Rudd. I think we can rule out Wayne Swan unless he’s the most Machiavellian rooster ever … of course there was that fourth wheel not known to be a huge fan of Julia Gillard.

Julie Bishop and Scott Morrison are the main movers on the Coalition side, as the opposition tries to keep the focus on boats and immigration while shoring up the Liberal stronghold that is Western Australia. You certainly can’t fault Tony Abbott’s leadership in terms of shoring up the conservative vote. Not sure about the logic of that in a compulsory voting system, but there you go.

The climate change ‘policy’ of the government — plus defending comments against gay marriage — brought Penny Wong back into the top 12 after a lengthy absence. Given that statement, it’s hard to see the same-s-x marriage issue getting through ALP Caucus anytime soon, no matter what Cath Bowtell says. Meanwhile, the Conservative/Lib Dem Government in Britain is taking steps to legalise gay marriage. #justsaying


Bob Brown jumped into the top five on talkback. If that’s not a sign of the increasing impact of the Greens I’m not sure what is. Most of those callers were not big fans of the Bob, it must be said. Meanwhile Rudd remains the biggest issue with climate change second.


I’m one of those three people under a rock who’ve missed the whole phenomenon, and I used to cook for a living (very briefly). But 5.92 million Australians surely can’t be wrong. Now we just have to see which other channel Adam gets his cooking show on.
