More than a month of election campaigning under a bright media spotlight produces a lot of questions to leaders. A lot of them are awful. Many are Wankley-worthy.

We present for your reading pleasure the worst of the worst. To all the journalists, radio shock-jocks, TV funny-people and shameless average punters who awkwardly tried to make our leaders look likeable (or at least human), we thank you. Each and every one of you.

Julia Gillard:

  1. “Dog or cat?” — James Massola from The Australian
  2. “When you’re laying in bed at night, does he go, ‘you know babe, you’re going to win this, you’re going to smash it?'” — Kyle Sandilands from 2DAY FM in Sydney
  3. “There’s some speculation you’ve had Botox. Did you know that?” — Mia Freedman from Fairfax
  4. “Vegemite or peanut paste?” — The Cage from Triple M Brisbane
  5. “Should tomato sauce be free with a meat pie?” — Blake Pattenden from 106.3 FM Townsville
  6. “Is the Mr Rabbit deliberate on your part?” — Jon Faine from ABC 774 Melbourne
  7. “Now, did you ever call Laurie Oakes, Jabba the Hutt?” — Dave Hughes from the 7PM Project
  8. “Would you be happy to be the first de facto couple living in The Lodge or are we to expect a prime ministerial wedding?” — a journalist at a Roxon/Gillard presser
  9. “So what would you say to him [Ben Cousins] if you had the chance?” — it’s all about footy at Mix 94.5 FM in Perth
  10. “Is it that important for every kid to have a great education? Because me, I was kicked out as a homeless kid at 15, I’ve had no education since halfway through Year 10 and here I am, still earning 10 times more than what you’re earning. Is it that important?” — Kyle Sandilands from 2DAY FM Sydney (we could have devoted an entire article to this interview)

Tony Abbott:

  1. “If you were married to Julia Gillard what would your pet name be for her?” — Ryan, Monty and Wippa from Nova FM Sydney
  2. MasterChef last night, did you watch it after the debate, be honest?” —  Labrat, Camilla & Stav from B105 FM Brisbane
  3. “What’s your game breaker that’s going to score the winning try in this election?” — The Grill Team from Triple M Sydney
  4. “You seem to be going well and are becoming more popular every day. My question is: how can I look less like Kevin, and more like you?” — a Kevin Rudd impersonator from Q&A, ABC TV
  5. Latham was on the telly last night, very interesting. But the biggest news is that David Wirrpanda left, he walked off Dancing with the Stars. Can you believe that?” — The Big Couch from Mix 94.5 FM Perth
  6. Boardies or budgies?” — The Cage from Triple M Brisbane
  7. “Did you ever smoke any dope, Tony? Did you ever smoke any pot?” — Ryan, Monty and Wippa from Nova FM Sydney
  8. “Tony, can we do some rapid fire word association with you? Aeroplane food. Hotel rooms. Advisers.” — Lisa Wilkinson from the Today Show, Channel Nine
  9. “People have said by lowering the immigration rate the economy will suffer. I was just thinking that maybe a solution that would be possible would be to ban abortion to save lives of innocent babies and therefore build a new generation instead of just having nobody to carry on.” — an audience member at the Rooty Hill forum
  10. “He drew a couple of cartoons of you with your ears sticking out. That was a bit rough, wasn’t it? Did you have a word with him?” — Gary, Fitzy and Mel from Radio 96FM

Did we miss any? What’s the worst interrogation you’ve seen of a leader? Let us know