Julia Gillard is leader of the ALP, #firstfemaleprimeminister, #firstelectedfemaleprimeminister, ready to head a new team and stamp her authority on the position, etc.

Does it really boost her authority to constantly state and re-state that believe it or not (and like it or not, Kevin and Tony), she is, in fact, the captain?

I don’t imagine that anyone has been counting, but I’m sure that the phrase “As Prime Minister, I – ” are featuring far more in Gillard’s lexicon than was the case for previous incumbants. She seems to start every second sentence with that little reminder.

She underscored the point again when discussing Kevin Rudd’s role as foreign minister. “Ultimately, of course, I’m the leader.”

Really? Cos the more you say it, the less it sounds like it. And emphasising it with “of course” is really overegging the authority pudding.

But she’s the leader. Ultimately. Of course.