Who got Laid last night? About 608,000 people nationally watched Marieke Hardy’s new ABC comedy Laid last night. Hardy, meanwhile, was dancing around with knickers on her head…

She did warn her Twitter followers earlier: “Tonight at 9:30 I’ll be standing on a coffee table with my underpants on my head. You, however, can watch the tv show we made on ABC1! #laid” But then, she also said she was watching City Homicide on Seven…

New iPad: thinner, lighter, faster — and with a camera

“Apple Inc. has started manufacturing a new version of its iPad tablet computer with a built-in camera and faster processor, said people familiar with the matter.

“The new iPad will be thinner and lighter than the first model, these people said. It will have at least one camera on the front of the device for features like video-conferencing, but the resolution of the display will be similar to the first iPad, these people said. It will also have more memory and a more powerful graphics processor, they said.” — The Wall Street Journal

Why HuffPo and Co won’t fool Google forever

“I don’t blame Armstrong or Huffington for pursuing this strategy. Making a living off the news is hard, and if they’ve figured out a way to fool search engines into pushing visitors their way, I salute them. But there’s a long-term problem with their strategy: They won’t be able to fool the computers forever.” — Slate

The easy way to tell The Washington Post it’s wrong

“Beginning Monday, every new staff-written article on the Washington Post‘s website came with a prominent link labeled “YOUR FEEDBACK: Corrections, suggestions?” One click takes the reader to a form for reporting errors or providing other feedback to the newsroom.” — MediaShift Idea Lab

You can’t confess via iPhone, Pope confirms

“The Vatican put its foot down Wednesday over the idea of ‘confessing’ by iPhone, after news that US users can now download an application for the Apple gadget that helps the faithful gain absolution.” — AFP