There’s something wrong with your strategy when Steve Fielding has the sense to call you out.
In one of his final acts as a senator, Fielding this morning refused to back Coalition leader Tony Abbott’s plebiscite on a carbon tax. He gave Abbott a serve:
“It is a political stunt and I won’t be backing it. It is an $80 million glorified opinion poll that isn’t going to be binding. Seriously, why should we waste $80 million on a glorified opinion poll just because Tony has got a problem?”.
This isn’t in the script. The conservative Victorian senator was supposed to be a “vociferous opponent” of a carbon tax, as miffed Liberal Eric Abetz reminded him today. And the man is not afraid of a good (albeit less expensive) stunt himself.
Mind you, even Abbott admitted he’d ignore the result of a plebiscite if he didn’t like the answer. Even Steve could see through that one.
Even the fruitcake knows when to steer clear of the mad monk.
Maybe Fielding’s unfound God?
No Alex. Maybe Fielding has found God.
To go with this stunt of Toxic Tony is his disgraceful attempt to politicise the welcome to the PM of New Zealand yesterday in the House of Reps. This disgusting piece of gutter waste will sink to any depth to try to get into the Lodge. That he continues to hold the office of Leader of the Opposition is an indictment on all members of the Coalition.
All this and a miffed Senator Abetz too. Oh, frabjus day!