One of the most curious arguments — and that’s saying something — over the past decade of refugee madness has been the idea that treating refugees humanely and according to our international treaty obligations is to encourage people smugglers, and thereby be complicit in refugee deaths when boats sink. Here’s Andrew Bolt (and Mark Latham) on that:
Mark Latham nails the Left’s blindness to the consequences of their self-righteousness:
Labor senator Doug Cameron on ABC Radio’s The World Today on September 2:
WE should stop making asylum-seekers the problem and vilifying asylum-seekers. It’s not their problem that the only way they can get here is through people-smugglers.
Mark Latham in The Australian Financial Review yesterday.
NORMALLY, when families are killed, as many were on the cliffs of Christmas Island last December and in scores of other boatpeople drownings, it is regarded as a problem. Not for Cameron, however. He sees no problem in asylum-seekers bypassing United Nations processing centres and paying people-smugglers large amounts of money to sail to Australia. Apparently he is untroubled by the use of ramshackle vessels for this task. Cameron and his colleagues must be incredibly, indeed barbarically, stubborn not to abandon the left-wing shibboleth of onshore processing.
Most boat-borne arrivals are eventually granted refugee status — by the weird logic of refugee law they therefore retrospectively gain the right to have made the journey that Latham suggests we are, immorally, encouraging them on. The full insanity of this is only clear if you compare it with another lethal refugee process — crossing the Berlin Wall. From 1961 to 1989, Germans who made it across the wall/city border from Stalinist East Germany were automatically granted West German citizenship. About 140 were killed doing it, about 100 by shooting and another 40 from drowning in the river, heart attack, etc. By the Bolt/Latham logic, the West is responsible for their deaths — had it threatened to return escapees to the East, no one would have tried it, therefore no deaths. The same can be said for Cubans heading for Florida by raft who, for a time, could claim automatic refugee status in the US. Nixon and Reagan are presumably to blame for their deaths.
In fact, what always kills refugees is obliging them to play cat and mouse with authorities. More Haitians than Cubans were killed trying to make it to Florida by raft, and more have died crossing the Mexico-US border than the entire Iron Curtain — even though no comparable citizenship guarantee (indeed quite the opposite) was offered to them. Is there anything more squalid than this attempt to turn “offshore processing”, that desperate kludge of both parties, into a humanitarian policy? — Guy Rundle
Good piece Guy.
I actually think there is some role for offshore processing – but not by way of sending boat people off to some third country to sit and wait for 10 years or more in limbo behind razor-wire. They get processed here as they should.
Offshore processing adjacent to source countries actually might reduce the need for perilous boat journeys – provided we are able to do it efficiently and resettlement is speedy. We did this with Vietnam. We did this after World War Two. And it will work.
But it requires a level of regional co-operation and an increase in the number of refugees accepted by settlement destinations.
It will not stop all people trying to get here by boat, but if there are realistic alternatives that actually work, then some – if not most – would not find it necessary.
And mercifully, it would also put to death the appalling posturing and rhetoric by polluticians of all sides on this shameful episode.
Has anyone noted articles describing refugee numbers in any detail?
The panic merchants usually run with ‘how many can we accept’ and quote a Big Scary Number of world-wide refugees. Assumption being of course, that the vast majority want to come to Australia. It is my understanding there are a significant number of refugees who would prefer to return to their own countries, or live close by to return with a change in government in a familiar environment.
Yes Holden theres’s a couple of articles from the Australian Parliamentary Library
This is about the best summary you’ll find:
Here’s some history of boat arrivals since 1976 (not us white buggers of course):
And this one is everything you ever wanted to know about the refugee issue globally … links to everywhere:
DIAC also has some stuff on their website but I would not automatically regard that that as accurate or reliable given who runs that show.
Thanks Peter, good information, rather than baseless, panicked opinion.