Bachelard to take on Jakarta. Sunday Age journalist Michael Bachelard will replace Tom Allard as Fairfax’s Indonesian correspondent based in Jakarta. Fairfax typically replaces its bureau journalists every three years, with Allard understood to be returning home.

After announcing the move on Twitter, Bachelard told Crikey this morning Fairfax’s bureau positions were “always hard sought” and that attaining the position was a “great honour and also a great challenge”. Bachelard, a former Canberra Times and Australian hack before moving to The Age in 2006 as an investigative reporter, will start the position in January. Lindsay Murdoch was dispatched to Bangkok for Fairfax earlier this year, joining Ben Doherty (India) in covering Asia for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. — Crikey intern Harrison Polites

Qantas … err Quantas … headline watch. Full points to today’s NT News who couldn’t help themselves with today’s front page headline:

But the best Qantas headline goes to today’s Enid News & Eagle, a daily newspaper from Oklahoma, US, who managed to get the name of Australia’s national carrier oh so horribly wrong …

Front page of the day. From crisis to breakthrough. Kudos to today’s Herald Sun who first ran this front page today in an early edition:

Only to then, when new developments emerged, run an edition that had the following front page:

The Department of Corrections. Meanwhile, in Indiana, Friday’s Greenburg Daily News is less interested in planes and is instead correcting the record on the minutiae of trains …

Seven to overhaul Weekend Sunrise

“The Seven Network will implement a number of changes to Weekend Sunrise in a major overhaul designed to ‘freshen the entire show up’ from this Saturday. The new format is the brains of Seven’s former director of morning television, Adam Boland, who was last week appointed executive producer of the show.” — Media Spy

$4m shortfall at SBS

“It’s no surprise to learn that SBS has a $4 million budget deficit, as reported in today’s Australian.” — TV Tonight

Occupy protester assaults WNYW reporter in US

“A disgruntled Occupy Wall Street protester confronted WNYW‘s John Huddy, as he was covering the latest developments in Zuccotti Park, and the situation quickly turned ugly.” — TV Spy

A sister’s eulogy for Steve Jobs

“Even as a feminist, my whole life I’d been waiting for a man to love, who could love me. For decades, I’d thought that man would be my father. When I was 25, I met that man and he was my brother.” — New York Times

YouTube preps 96 channels with original content.

“Google’s YouTube, looking to attract more advertising with professionally produced content, plans to launch some 96 new video channels in the next year featuring original content from a range of entertainment, sports and news partners.” — Multichannel News