It all became about who said what to who and when as yet again the media focus became about the tactics and the personalities rather than the substantive issue of whether aviation is somehow a special industry that requires greater Government involvement than others, and what Qantas’s actions mean for the broader industrial relations landscape. But then all we in punterland really wanted to know was what time in the arvo Albo and Jules and Tony knew about it, don’t we?

Andrew Wilkie and Nick Xenophon leapt up the list after Tony Abbott left Wilkie with nowhere to go on pokies by “predicting” the Opposition would vote against any meaningful reform. An interesting tactical move by Abbott considering he may very well be needing Xenophon’s vote in the Senate if he wins the next election. Not that anyone in the media picked that up of course. You’d almost think The Opposition leader is purely focused on winning the next election by as much as he can and worrying about the policy consequences later. A bit like electricity privatisation in NSW? You may say that, we couldn’t possibly comment.

Lots of focus on the PM’s stern response to Qantas as “extreme and irresponsible” with conversations dividing along ideological lines, plus of course plenty of chatter about whether Tony Abbott had prior knowledge of the Qantas move.

So what lasts longer than a Kardashian marriage? Potentially, the trending Twitter topic #thingslongerthankimsmarriage