Are business leaders psychopaths? Good heavens, what a question. But you’ll be shocked by the answer, which is essentially Yes. The Power Index‘s attention has been drawn to a British study from 2005, comparing the psychological profiles of 39 senior business executives at leading British companies with those of mental patients in the UK’s Broadmoor Special Hospital for the criminally insane.

And guess who comes out on top? The business leaders score a clear victory in the three traits normally used to identify the emotional (or unemotional) side of Psychopathic Disorder, which are: histrionic personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and compulsive personality disorder. — Paul Barry (read the full story here)

Who’s who in the media inquiry zoo? The Gillard government’s controversial media inquiry, led by former Federal Court judge Ray Finklestein, begins its first public hearings in Melbourne today. So who’s fronting up and what will they have to say? Here’s a hint: they’re not all Murdoch bashers.

Julian Disney: The energetic legal eagle has won praise for giving the Australian Press Council — notorious as the “publishers’ poodle” — a little more bite. He negotiated the restoration of the APC’s funding, which had been cut back in 2009, and adverse findings have increased under his watch. — Matthew Knott (read the full story here)

Rebel with a cause: Turnbull sells Q&A jacket. He may have looked more movie star than politician when wearing it, but Malcolm Turnbull has decided to auction off his celebrated black leather jacket — with the proceeds going to charity.

Wentworth’s rebel with a cause listed his Roberto Gianni jacket yesterday afternoon on eBay, citing a trimmer figure (down from a size 56 to a 52) as the reason for the sale. All funds raised will go to the Wayside Chapel in Sydney’s Kings Cross. — Tom Cowie (read the full story here)