Greiner takes on BOF… again. Nick Greiner has done it again: for the third time in a fortnight, the former Liberal premier has told Barry O’Farrell how to run the state.

It’s all turning out much as we predicted when The Power Index profiled both men for our Sydney Power Top 10 and suggested Greiner was “one man who can really change the face of Sydney”. Yesterday, the head of Infrastructure NSW suggested the state’s long-awaited $8.5 billion north-west rail link might work better if it was privately operated and not given to RailCorp. — Paul Barry (read the full story here)

Bolt examines Roebuck’s past, Jones goes rural. Andrew Bolt trawls through Peter Roebuck’s past, Piers Akerman takes an interest in Papua New Guinea and Janet Albrechtsen gives a backhanded compliment to Julia Gillard. Here’s what Australia’s most powerful Megaphones have been up to over the past week.

Andrew Bolt: The conservative firebrand today takes aim at some sections of the media — namely Fairfax and the ABC — for their coverage of cricket writer and broadcaster Peter Roebuck’s suicide. Roebuck jumped to his death from the sixth floor of a South African hotel on the weekend after police questioned him about an alleged s-xual assault. — Matthew Knott (read the full story here)

Who’s saying what on same-s-x marriage? A stoush is brewing within the Labor Party over the controversial issue of same-s-x marriage, as supporters of both sides prepare to air their views at the national conference next month. So who’s saying what on which side?

As it stands, it’s likely that federal Labor MPs will be given a conscience vote on the issue, after Julia Gillard wrote in the Fairfax papers on Monday supporting that position. That’s also the view of many on the powerful Labor Right; a middle ground stance between those on the Left who want to see the Marriage Act changed and those further to the Right pressing hard to keep it as is. — Tom Cowie (read the full story here)