Valentines Day is for lovers — but not subtlety. Comedian Magda Szubanski is the latest celeb to lend her support to the Australians for Marriage Equality campaign for gay marriage — nicely timed to coincide with Valentines Day. She released a statement which got gossips buzzing about whether it was also the Babe and Kath and Kim star admitting her own often-debated s-xuality: “I am 1000% in favour of gay marriage. We pay taxes, fight wars for this country, nurse you when you are sick, make you laugh, sing and dance for you, play netball for you, star in your movies.”

According to, Szubanksi has just busted her way out of the closet with that statement …

Fairfax isn’t so quick to draw blanket assumptions, offering a far more nuanced “she [Szubanksi] will also make a ‘personal statement’, anticipated to be about her own s-xuality” and “she hinted at being a lesbian in a statement”. “Hinted” seems a little different to “reveals her own s-xuality”, doesn’t it? — Amber Jamieson

Whitney album price hike sparks controversy

“Sony Music has come under fire after it increased the price of a Whitney Houston album on Apple’s iTunes Store hours after the singer was found dead.” — The Guardian

BBC World News apologises for funding breaches

“The BBC World News channel has aired a global apology to viewers after it broadcast a series of programmes that breached the corporation’s rules on sponsorship or conflict of interest” —

Spoof Qantas Twitter account suspended

“The spoof account, which called itself @QantasPR was suspended on Saturday after the airline logged a formal complaint with Twitter, claiming that the account breached the social media site’s policy on impersonation.” — The Australian

Brazil journalist killed in rough border town

“The editor-in-chief of a newspaper that crusaded against corruption in Brazil’s rough border region with Paraguay was shot dead, police said Monday, just days after another slain journalist’s body was found in a different state.” — USA Today

Oprah apologises for tweet urging Nielsen viewers to watch

“Oprah Winfrey apologised on Monday for publishing a message to Twitter that encouraged people counted in Nielsen ratings to watch her cable channel, potentially influencing the ratings.” — The New York Times

Will the future of 3D sports TV ever come into focus?

“While 3D has lazily taken over theatres, it remains the ever-receding dream of sports broadcasters. Early reviews of their 3D work have been less than stellar.” — Deadspin

Toronto Sun misspells ‘Monday’ on front page

“Somebody at the Toronto Sun is having a very bad start to the week, after some promotional copies of the paper went out with a front page typo.” — Poynter