Behind the Seams

A Crikey, FAQ Research joint investigation into the issue of coal seam gas

Twitter / FAQResearchThere are more questions than answers around coal seam gas mining. Crikey partners with a new collaboration of academics and writers, FAQ Research, to get to the bottom of a vexed issue in the Queensland election campaign and nationally.

There are conflicting interests around land use, there is uncertainty about the factual basis of the debate, there are apprehensions that governments will roll over in the face of a $40 billion industry. Tdebate can often become clouded by claim, counter-claim, framing and spin. This extended coverage offers a new model of analytical and interactive journalism which will hold the debate accountable to fact.

The mission is to facilitate a better informed and more interactive public debate, holding the PR, political and media spin to account and disseminating fact and research on which citizens can make informed value judgments. Articles by experts, key stakeholders, citizen journalists and we hope you, Crikey readers, will feature throughout the election campaign. Read more about the project here.