Sydney Morning Herald business reporting veteran Ian Verrender is joining the News Limited stable to write for Business Spectator and Eureka Report. Both publications are led by former Fairfax colleague Alan Kohler, who sold his company, Australian Independent Business Media, to News in June.

Verrender, who left the Herald after 25 years on Friday after accepting redundancy, will work full-time for the publications from Sydney.

He joins former Australian Financial Review “Chanticleer” columnist Robert Gottliebsen, former Fairfax finance correspondent Stephen Bartholomeusz and ex-Gillard government adviser Stephen Koukoulas.

Unlike Gottliebsen’s columns, Verrender’s missives are not expected to appear in News Limited’s tabloid papers or The Australian.

Crikey understands Verrender was offered the job two years ago, as well as equity in the company, but he declined the offer.

In his farewell Saturday SMH column, Verrender slammed the business press pack for its cosy relationship with corporate Australia:

“Unlike politics, sport, industrial relations or crime, where journalists zealously pursue their quarry, when it comes to business, the Australian media generally has opted for a soft and fawning relationship. It has always been thus. And it comes back to bite.”