Big questions face the media.
Not just in making a buck, but in who gets to make it. Stephen Conroy’s response to the government’s Convergence Review will almost certainly result in greater concentration of media ownership. He’s made some companies richer and others poorer, all in the name of local content requirements that probably won’t result in any greater production. How many voices will be left in five years?
The issue of regulation is far from resolved. Cabinet is still debating the Finklestein inquiry and proposals to beef up self-regulatory authorities. In the UK, David Cameron is fighting inside and outside Parliament to maintain a self-regulatory model on Fleet Street in defiance of the Leveson inquiry’s recommendations. How can you ever strike a balance between a free and fair media?
Which today, at least, is all much less important than the fact Crikey won a Walkley Award.
It was First Dog on the Moon’s cartoon of the asylum seeker farce earlier this year that broke our drought at journalism’s “night of nights” last Friday. We couldn’t be prouder of him.
I hope this means you are going to give the dog a pay rise, or at the very least a big juicy bone.