From the Crikey grapevine, the latest tips and rumours …

Green leader steps down. Matthew Wright, the founder and leading light of successful environmental lobby group Beyond Zero Emissions, is stepping down from his role as executive director. The move appears to have just occurred. BZE came out of nowhere a few years ago and has been successful in garnering solid media coverage for its push to address climate change — it’s active on university campuses, and has issued a series of reports on alternative sources of energy. Fresh-faced Wright has been the group’s main public voice. Crikey obtained confirmation in a joint statement from Wright and BZE’s management team (equivalent to their board):

“Matthew Wright is no longer the Executive Director of BZE. BZE is one of the fastest growing NGO’s in Australia and is currently undergoing structural review. Matthew and the BZE Board are currently discussing how best to work together to build on BZE’s award-winning work on moving Australia to a 100% renewable powered, clean-tech economy. We hope to make a public announcement soon.”

Wright’s photo remains on the website but his name seems to be have been removed. Crikey did hear a claim that someone inside the group felt that Wright may have effectively endorsed certain products without adequate disclosure, but BZE strongly denied that in the statement:

“BZE has no concerns about deals done to endorse certain products without disclosure, we are not even sure what you mean by this.”

It’s understood Wright may continue to be involved with the group.

Destroying the joint even more. We hear that a new feminist group called Stopping S-xism is to be set up soon, possibly involving comedian and writer Corinne Grant and GetUp, with some other names floating around. We’ll keep you posted.

ACT Liberal shenanigans. As the dirty business continues surrounding the dumping of sitting ACT Liberal Senator Gary Humphries for young gun Zed Seselja, are our subversive friends at RiotACT right when they suggest highly respected party veteran Margaret Reid was stood up at an ACT party meeting that was cancelled at the last minute, as part of a shady campaign to rob some party members of voting rights at the preselection? There’s plenty of juicy gossip going around about this issue, as Humphries forces fume at the preselection and try to scotch the result.

Dog gone? Not so. A red-hot tip here from an anonymous Crikey reader:

“We suspect that First Dog on the Moon may be leaving Crikey for greener pastures. He has not been producing new cartoons for some time — Crikey is recycling old ones. This will be a big blow for Crikey as many subscribers subscribe for First Dog on The Moon alone and feel very deprived.”

Except it’s not true, we’re happy to report. Even Dogs get annual leave.

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