The government, it seems, is getting desperate about the media reform package, the fate of which it last week professed such a marked insouciance about.
By a remarkable coincidence, the government’s whistleblower protection bill made its appearance on the government’s legislative to-do list this week. That’s the bill that has spent much of the last two years lost in the corridors of the ministerial wing between Gary Gray’s office and that of the Attorney-General, Mark Dreyfus.
Dreyfus, apparently, has found a copy of the bill at the same time the government wanted Andrew Wilkie, who in October unveiled his own whistleblower protection bill he’d drafted with help from Professor AJ Brown of Griffith University and Melbourne University’s Dr Suelette Dreyfus, to back its media reform package.
The government’s whistleblower protection bill has taken so long, Dreyfus has gone from the humble backbencher who chaired the committee looking at whistleblower issues in 2008 to attorney-general, all in the time it has taken to respond to his report. This morning, Dreyfus dismissed any link between media reform and the sudden appearance of the bill. And, to be fair, the government did say after Wilkie revealed his bill last year that it would introduce a bill “early in the new year”. March is kinda early.
The other key shift to secure passage of the media package is, reportedly, replacing a single Public Interest Media Advocate with a panel — the PIMAs? — itself appointed by a larger panel of eminent persons.
With any luck, that larger panel will itself be appointed by a still larger group of slightly-less eminent people — and so on, ad infinitum. It’s panels all the way down, young man.
The problem is, replacing a single decision-maker with a group of decision-makers does nothing to address the core problem of a public interest test, that it is uncertain and subjective. This is why it offers no certainty to investors or media proprietors about whether transactions will be approved, and no certainty to Australians who want what little media diversity we have left protected. One person’s call on what the public interest and media diversity is, or three people’s call, still remains a subjective take.
It also outsources the problem. There’s a deeper issue here. No one, not even the Convergence Review authors who recommended a public interest test, trusts politicians to properly administer it. That’s the system they have in England and it saw a Murdoch mate, Tory minister Jeremy Hunt, come within days of ticking off on News Corp’s bid for BSkyB before the worst of the phone-hacking scandal engulfed the company. But at least politicians have to regularly face voters. “Eminent people” sound fine, but who voted for them to make such significant decisions?
And perhaps we should outsource more significant decisions so that politicians won’t let political considerations interfere with them. We’ve already done it with monetary policy. What about fiscal policy? Foreign investment? Going to war? That may or may not be a good idea — the problem is, there’s no thought or consistency given to how we correlate democratic accountability and the making of controversial Big Decisions. People generally prefer “eminent people” if they don’t like the sorts of decisions politicians make, and vice versa.
Supporters of a public interest test are convinced it will protect what’s left of our media diversity. But they will be terribly disappointed once the first pro-merger decision is made. After that, what then?
While the media complain about the legislation attacking freedom of speech we only need to look at what they have done with on-line comments/opinions pages in restricting the comments from the public. Even almost effectively closing Punch to comment and comments almost limited to fluff pieces.
Well we have a foreign investment board applying a public interest test to overseas investments. Its decisions are controversial enough for Chinese authorities and companies to complain. A competition test applies to company mergers but, given the lack of competition in Australian main stream media (dominated by 3 owners) it should never approve a merger. Perhaps “diversity of viewpoints” deserves its own decision making body but we can fear stacking of “eminent persons”, as has occurred with the ABC board. That is the real danger of a specialised body to deal with media mergers.
You in the media may be amused to know that where the “press” is concerned it is much like art; We might not know what we like, but we sure do know what we dont like and we know crap when we see it.
It would be nice to see what we want to see not what we are told to see by an disgraced american whose publishing practices are already the subject of legal proceedings on two continents.
How the hell is he a fit person to tell us what we can and cant see anyway?
This whole fiasco is yet more confirmation that the federal government has no vision and is focused only on short term expediency and the poor policy that is the result. Their visceral hatred of Murdoch has positioned them as an interested party in the control of what the press is allowed to publish. All those sound bites about “the hate media” that seemed so smart and clever at the time, are coming home to roost.
So in spite of heartfelt pleas that the PIMA is a small regulatory intervention, no one trusts Conroy or the ALP on this matter. While we have a minister of communications who continually complains about media comment that criticises him, few are willing to hand him an ability to control that comment.
Get a grip DAvid, noone in jackboots is coming for you.