The Laborslide continues. A new low point for federal Labor on the Crikey Election Indicator. The chance of the government being returned is now put at just 11.6%. Back at the end of January it was 26.9%.

A Greens campaign poster. If the polls are right on the swing to the Liberals and Nationals, the biggest worry for the Greens should be that they are caught up in the anti-Labor mire. To my way of thinking the best way of avoiding that is to go back as quickly as possible to the kind of campaigning that got them started. My suggestion for the campaign poster? This moving image from

Worrying about Syrian training. It is not just Australian intelligence services that are worried about its country’s nationals fighting in Syria and eventually returning home as a new breed of Australian jihadists. The German government is expressing the same concern.

The Weekend Australian on Saturday had a thoughtful description of the involvement of Australian nationals in the Syrian conflict that included this comment by Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus:

“In recent months we have seen that the number of Australians going to Syria has increased … We are concerned about (these) Australians being radicalised in extremist doctrines while participating in the conflict in Syria and returning home with skills that terrorists could use.”

Der Spiegel has a similarly disturbing piece on its website:

“Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich officially confirmed for the first time that there were German ‘jihadists’ in Syria. Friedrich particularly expressed concern about ‘calls for those Europeans who have been trained in battle (in Syria) to return home and pursue jihad’.”

News and views noted along the way.