The Racist Turtle and the Hairy Bagel
First Dog cartoons are now available as Spoken Cartoons for the visually impaired and those interested in Spoken Cartoons //
“a bagel that has been spray painted green”
You have to fold the monkey.
I don’t have baby photos and I don’t do Facebook. Nevertheless, I’m extremely smug as I do have fibre-optic. Way to go, people. How does Malcolm keep a straight face?
I don’t like my computer freezing but would not even bother fixing it for ever and happily buy a new one if happened while I was downloading Bernardi
It would probably show up as a high-risk download anyway
What glorious irony. This cartoon loads on the comments page like a spray painted turtle with a bad limp.
P.S. (Still laughing at at the router joke.)
Is there any truth to the rumour that Rabbott’s entire communications policy was originally to revive Menzies era telegrams… then Malcolm tricked him by saying that was exactly like FTTN?