Seven’s night, easily, in both metro and regional markets. And it will be Seven’s night again tonight with The X Factor doing well and Nine depending on the weak Big Brother and Arrow.

The X Factor dominated with 2.343 million national / 1.554 million metro / 789,000 regional viewers (which is quite an amazing figure). Nine was damaged by the early end to the fourth cricket Test which meant there was no boost from a sizeable audience on GEM for prime-time viewing. Big Brother had 1.179 million national/895,000 metro/284,000 regional viewers. The Great Australian Bake-Off suffered as usual and could only manage 983,000 / 692,000 / 191,000.

Ten was solid last night, thanks to Under The Dome (1.184 million/846,000/338,000) and Masterchef Australia (1.028 million/776,000/252,000), and especially The Project (815,000 / 668,000 / 147,000) has had two of its best nights for 2013 this week.

Foreign Correspondent (987,000 / 641,000 / 346,000) returned at last to ABC1 at 8pm last night and again exposed the shallowness of the two-year policy of “resting” this fine program. If FC needs resting every now and then, so then does Four Corners on Monday night! Stephen McDonell’s report on drugs in China was an eye-opener and not the sort of story you think the Chinese government would have been happy to see emerge from their country. The usual Tuesday night audience for the Fox Footy show 360 bounced nicely last night for the coverage of the Essendon AFL drugs story and charges. It had 159,000 viewers watch.

Network channel share:

  1. Seven (33.2%)
  2. Nine (24.5%)
  3. Ten (20.3%)
  4. ABC (16.9%)
  5. SBS (5.1%)

Network main channels:

  1. Seven (25.9%)
  2. Nine (18.7%)
  3. Ten (14.8%)
  4. ABC1 (12.2%)
  5. SBS2 ONE (4.1%)

Top 5 digital channels: 

  1. 7TWO (4.6%)
  2. GO (3.2%)
  3. ABC2, Eleven (2.9%)
  4. 7mate (2.7%)
  5. GEM, ONE (2.6%)

Top 10 national programs:

  1. The X Factor (Seven) — 2.343 million
  2. Seven News — 1.840 million
  3. Nine News– 1.818 million
  4. Winners & Losers (Seven) – 1.560 million
  5. Home and Away (Seven) — 1.510 million
  6. ABC News — 1.398 million
  7. A Current Affair (Nine) — 1.366 million
  8. Today Tonight (Seven) — 1.283 million
  9. Under The Dome (Ten) — 1.184 million
  10. Big Brother (Nine) — 1.179 million

Top metro programs:

  1. The X Factor (Seven) — 1.554 million
  2. Nine News — 1.297 million
  3. Seven News  — 1.238 million
  4. A Current Affair (Nine) — 1.169 million
  5. Winners & Losers (Seven) — 1.085 million
  6. Today Tonight (Seven) — 1.021 million
  7. Home and Away (Seven) — 1.002 million

Losers: The Bible at 9.50pm (514,000 / 320,000 / 194,000) and at 10.50pm (345,000 / 250,000 / 95,000). Not a Hallelujah in sight for Nine in those figures.Metro news and current affairs:

  1.  Nine News — 1.297 million
  2. Seven News  — 1.238 million
  3. A Current Affair (Nine) — 1.169 million
  4. Today Tonight (Seven) — 1.021 million
  5. ABC News — 943,000
  6. 7.30 (ABC1) — 682,000
  7. The Project (Ten) — 668,000
  8. Ten News At Five — 665,000
  9. Foreign Correspondent (ABC 1) — 641,000
  10. Insight (SBS ONE) — 244,000

Metro morning TV:

  1. Sunrise (Seven) – 407,000
  2. Today (Nine) – 345,000
  3. News Breakfast (ABC1, 69,000, 26,000 on News 24) — 95,000

Top five pay TV channels:

  1. Fox 8 – (3.2%)
  2. TV1 – (2.5%)
  3. LifeStyle – (1.9%)
  4. Fox Footy (1.7%)
  5. UKTV – (1.5%)

Top five pay TV programs:

  1. AFL: 360 (Fox Footy) – 159,000
  2. Australia’s Next Top Model (Fox 8) – 151,000
  3. The Simpsons (Fox 8) – 99,000
  4. AFL: Insider (Fox Footy) – 66,000
  5. Futurama (Fox 8) – 65,000
Tonight: We have the necessary antidote to all the po-faced serious coverage of the election campaign — a bit of humour and piss-taking. Thanks to ABC1Gruen Nation returns tonight from around 8.30pm, followed by The Hamster Decides. Then we have Wednesday Night Fever with an election bent. Ten’s This Week Live will look like what it is — a weak version of The Project — and boosted tonight by the final ep for the year of Offspring. Will Nina be forced into the penurious life of a single mum, or is their an old/new bloke in the offing?

*Data © OzTAM Pty Limited 2013. The data may not be reproduced, published or communicated (electronically or in hard copy) in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OzTAM. (All shares on the basis of combined overnight 6pm to midnight all people.) and network reports.