Seven’s night in metro and regional markets thanks to the final episode of The Blacklist (1.626 million 571,000 national/ 1.055 million metro/ regional viewers) and the special Better Homes and Gardens episode with Dr Harry the vet at 7.30pm (1.586 million national/1.036 million metro/ 550,000 regional viewers). Seven got good news early today from the US with the news that NBC has given The Blacklist a second season.

Paul Keating certainly confirmed last night that he was a “maddie”, with a big eye on posterity. Kerry O’Brien deserves his place in media posterity in this country just on his performance in this four hour series alone. Keating had 1.116 million national/ 759,000 metro/ 357,000 regional viewers.

Network channel share:

  1. Seven (32.1%)
  2. Nine (23.8%)
  3. ABC (18.9%)
  4. Ten (18.8%)
  5. SBS (6.3%)

Network main channels:

  1. Seven (23.5%)
  2. Nine (18.8%)
  3. ABC 1 (13.5%)
  4. Ten (12.0%)
  5. SBS ONE (5.3%)

Top digital channels: 

  1. 7mate, 7TWO (4.3%)
  2. ONE (3.9%)
  3. ABC2 (3.4%)
  4. ONE (3.0%)
  5. Gem (2.6%)

Top 10 national programs:

  1. Seven News — 1.633 million
  2. The Blacklist (Seven) — 1.626 million
  3. Nine News — 1.610 million
  4. Better Homes and Gardens  (Seven) – 1.586 million
  5. Today Tonight (Seven) — 1.294 million
  6. ABC  News  – 1.237 million
  7. A Current Affair (Nine) — 1.137 million
  8. Keating (ABC1) — 1.116 million
  9. Better Homes and Gardens Summer (Seven) — 1.079 million
  10. 7.30 (ABC1) — 1.020 million

Top metro programs:

  1. Seven News — 1.122 million
  2. Nine News — 1.110 million
  3. The Blacklist (Seven) — 1.085 million
  4. Better Homes -Dr Harry  (Seven) – 1.036 million

Losers:  People who missed The Blacklist and especially Keating.Metro news and current affairs:

  1. Seven News — 1.122 million
  2. Nine News — 1.110 million
  3. Today Tonight (Seven) — 956,000
  4. A Current Affair (Nine) — 948,000
  5. ABC News  – 825,000
  6. 7.30 (ABC1) — 682,000
  7. Ten Eyewitness News — 566,000
  8. The Project – 511,000
  9. Ten Eyewitness News Late — 170,000
  10. Lateline (ABC1) — 161,000

Metro morning TV:

  1. Sunrise (Seven) – 348,000
  2. Today (Nine) – 310,000
  3. The Morning Show (Seven) — 137,000
  4. News Breakfast (ABC1, 66,000 + 41,000 on News 24) — 107,000
  5. Mornings (Nine) — 86,000
  6. Wake Up (Ten) — 42,000
  7. Studio 10 (Ten) — 38,000

Top five pay TV channels:

  1. Fox 8 – (3.0%)
  2. TV1 – (2.3%)
  3. LifeStyle – (2.0%)
  4. UKTV – (1.8%)
  5. Fox Classics – (1.7%)

Top five pay TV programs:

  1. Back Page (Fox Sports 1) – 69,000
  2. America’s Next Top Model (Fox 8 ) – 68,000
  3. The Simpsons (Fox 8 ) – 66,000
  4. Embarrassing bodies Down Under (LifeStyle You) – 64,000
  5. Celebrity Xmas Come Dine With Me Australia (LifeStyle) – 61,000

*Data © OzTAM Pty Limited 2013. The data may not be reproduced, published or communicated (electronically or in hard copy) in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OzTAM. (All shares on the basis of combined overnight 6pm to midnight all people.) and network reports.