Rupert Mudoch: Maybe most Moslems peaceful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer they must be held responsible.

Rupert Murdoch: Moses film attacked on Twitter for all white cast. Since when are Egyptians not white?  All I know are.Rupert Murdoch: World seems transfixed by 777 disappearance.  Maybe no crash but stolen, effectively hidden, perhaps in Northern Pakistan, like Bin Laden.

Rupert Murdoch: Page 3 again.  Aren't beautiful young women more attractive in at least some fashionable clothes?   Your opinions please.

Murdoch: Wild winter in US, UK, etc.  no respectable evidence any of this man made climate change in spite of blindly ignorant politicians.Rupert Murdoch: "Please expose Eric Schmidt, Google " etc.   Just wait!Rupert Murdoch: Oops! Better ignore last tweet.