The difference between the ALP and the DLP

Federal Secretary  of the Democratic Labour Party of Australia Michael Byrne writes: Re. “Rundle: how the Labor party could reinvent itself — and save Australian politics” (February 6). Guy Rundle writes of ALP Labor’s lost way, yet he misses the point in his hopeful prognostications of their way forward. Rundle locates ALP Labor’s purpose as fighting for the “poor and marginal” but with its main support base having moved into the domain of “moderate comfort” and lacking “coincided” interests with the poor. He says the poor need their own Party to represent them.

Well, DLP Labour has something to say on that, as an historical, remnant, but growing, component of the labour movement.  Our Rachel Carling-Jenkins — a 39 year old Protestant with a PhD Social Sciences , and having been a single mum with a now 17 year old son — represents this growth in the Victorian parliament today. Rundle’s “progressive” ALP Labor is at a disjuncture, not because its members/ supporters, in their comfort, have moved on from the issues of “inequality” but rather its core beliefs are at odds with its traditional worker, migrant and disadvantaged mass electoral base. A fundamental question to be addressed in the public square is whether “we are of God, or not?”. ALP Labor’s disjuncture is in its elected representatives;  with its vocal and active “not” brigade (seemingly containing 100% Emily’s Listers when viewing swearing-in ceremonies …) and a timid unassertive inarticulate platoon or two who hold the Bible but cannot be seen to talk to it.

The Democratic Labour Party (DLP Labour), in its history and current presence, proudly claims its purpose, passion and programme in the labour movement. It has its heritage in working towards a policy direction of Family and Workplace for the Good Life.  Through its constitution it locates mankind and its destiny as “under Almighty God” and thus establishing the key differentiator to ALP Labor with its socialist influenced system-law solutions.

DLP Labour is a secular political party engaging in the secular public square where people of all religions or none gather to work for human flourishing — life to the full as we see it. Its constitution’s principles are to uphold Democracy, Liberty and Peace, which require no religious affiliation to work for. However the path to their fulfilment within DLP Labour is that which has God as the ultimate future and end. For the Christian members this is understood in the eschaton when/ where all things are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. People who work within DLP Labour, whether pew sitters or not, work within that hope of ultimate promise and always in the shadow of the Cross. For others, it can at least be a participation in the presence of an enduring hope.

DLP Labour has its origins in the Labor split of the mid 1950’s wherein men and women sacrificed political careers through standing to a principle amidst the excesses of jealousy, untrusting and manipulative power within the ALP. They had committed to work to prevent a situation; that of Communist influence within and throughout the labour movement. In 2015 DLP Labour has embarked upon the task of making good a situation  that which has seen the influence of soft Marxist/ materialist meanderings through the institutions having underpinned an era of lost faith in mankind and its destiny, failing hope in mankind’s endeavour for the good, and love being diminished to sentimentality expressed in cheap charity. DLP Labour is ready and willing to work for Rundle’s “poor and marginalised”; not limiting itself to “economic hand outs” but as being there with them to lift up.

Ruddock won’t be rolled

Barry O’Farrell writes: Re. “Ruddock’s not for retiring” (yesterday). To whoever pretends to be in charge: Crikey would be better sticking to reporting facts, than adopting tabloid practices of presenting gossip is news.  Had you been focused on facts you would know that when I announced my intentions to retire at next month’s state election, I ruled out any future shift to federal politics.  Philip Ruddock deserves re-election and a continuing long career, because he’s a terrific local MP and an important wise counsellor in the federal Liberal Party.