Bad luck Turnbull. It didn’t pass unnoticed that Tony Abbott gave yet another radio interview about his departure on the very day his replacement Malcolm Turnbull was holding a mini-summit on national reform in Canberra. Unluckily for Turnbull, any chances to look important and prime ministerial were dashed somewhat on the evening news, where Abbott got prime billing on most of the commercial bulletins.

Media intelligence company Isentia’s Sydney news bulletin summaries show only Channel Ten gave the reform summit good billing. While its segment, the third in the bulletin, did tease the Abbott interview, it led on the Turnbull government’s first policy change on higher education reform. It then aired clips from the Abbott interview towards the end of the bulletin. ABC News Sydney did the same — a political wrap was the fourth item in the bulletin, but the news led on the government’s policy and economic goals before mentioning the Abbott interview.

No such luck on Nine and Seven — both took the admittedly sexier angle of simmering bitterness within the Liberal Party, leading their political news roundup with coverage of Abbott’s claims. Nine and Seven have the most-watched bulletins in the country.

In terms of total media coverage, Isentia’s index published in Crikey on Wednesday found Turnbull was trumping Abbott — he had 38,667 total mentions across all media between September 24 and 30, to Abbott’s 20,523. — Myriam Robin

Australian Property Review. Who says print advertising is dead? Yesterday’s 64-page Australian Financial Review featured a full 20 pages devoted to property, around 60% of which was devoted to commercial property ads. So abundant were the ads that they spilled out of the property section and onto the rest of the edition. We counted, and we reckon a full quarter of the Fin yesterday was devoted to property advertising.

We would make more of a bit of it, but today’s edition was sadly bereft — more watch-makers than property developers. Commercial property is a highly cyclical market, with highly leveraged investments that can go bad quickly if the market tanks. Who knows how that’ll affect Fairfax, if and when it happens. — Myriam Robin

Measuring up. Netflix has dominated the media headlines as streaming video grows, closely followed by CBS and its evolutionary All Access streaming operation, based on its chain of network and affiliated TV stations across the country (the 95 top TV markets, in fact). But this week, CBS went one further to bring streaming video into the fold so far as ratings are concerned. It is a move that will be watched the world over, especially the US, UK and Australia as traditional TV struggles with the new landscape that is increasingly dominated by digital viewing, especially mobile.

According to Nielsen, the ratings giant, CBS said it would become first network to include digital video viewing of its shows in its traditional TV ratings. Nielsen says this is a result of certifying CBS’ digital video platform, CBS All Access, for Nielsen’s “Digital in TV Ratings” measurement system, which started broadcasting earlier this year and now covers most of the country. Nielsen says it will measure viewership of the All Access’ live offering of local CBS television stations across Android and iOS systems as well as desktops and laptops.

The new system will take time to settle down, and there will no doubt be controversy when figures are revealed by Nielsen that are contrary to the belief of the various proponents of new and existing broadcasting (Netflix, Hulu, NBC, cable TV). But once the system is bedded down, it could very well change TV ratings in the US and around the world, generate more money for struggling broadcast and cable TV groups, and open up the chance for advertising on streaming video. That would allow existing media a greater chance to grab a piece of the rapidly growing mobile ad boom. — Glenn DyerFront page of the day. What choice did we have …