The youth of today

Jock Webb writes: Re. “Dissension in the ranks: NSW Young Libs censor members” (yesterday). The NSW version of Young Liberals has been the source of a number of singularly unpleasant members of the NSW right. One could almost be talking about the ALP! This collection of fruit loops is nothing to do with the broad church Liberals that Turnbull was blathering about. They are the new right and a good many have fascist tendencies as your article would indicate. That the head kicker is named Tony Nutt is too delicious for words. However, he is supposedly the new Brian Loughnane so I suspect there will be a good deal of skullduggery.

On airstrikes

Bernard Keane writes: Re. “Essential: is the Turnbull honeymoon over already?” (yesterday). Yesterday in noting that Essential Report had found voters believed airstrikes in Syria will make us less safe from terrorism, I said no major party politician had expressed such a view: this is wrong — Labor’s Melissa Parke made exactly that point in Parliament over a year ago, in September 2014, in relation to our return to military involvement in Iraq. We’re happy to correct the record.