Fairfax’s Ben Grubb is the latest of Australia’s tech writers to recently move into PR or away from the tech writing scene. He announced yesterday he was moving to Melbourne PR and equity-raising firm Media and Capital Partners, and he’s far from the first tech writer to be gobbled up. The firm has also, in recent months, hired former Oz tech journo Fran Foo, news.com.au tech reporter Andrew Ramage, and Technology Spectator writer Harrison Polites, and is headed up in Melbourne by former Fairfax tech editor Asher Moses. Meanwhile Gizmodo editor Luke Hopewell has been hired by Twitter to curate its new “Moments” feature. In February, the Oz’s long-serving tech editor Stuart Kennedy left after no fewer than 12 years at the helm — the Oz’s tech section has since been supplied by Tech Spec. And ZDNet’s former journo Josh Taylor has, of course, been lured away from writing about tech by Crikey. It’s something of a changing of the guard, though given the cost-cutting at many major publishers, one wouldn’t count on all being replaced.