With Malcolm Turnbull due to turn up to Yarralumla on Sunday, it’s been a week of farewells and maybe-farewells from MPs in Canberra. Accidental Senator Ricky Muir, who some pundits say voted himself into unemployment by blocking the ABCC bill, posted his goodbye to Facebook. In a long post, Muir said he was proud of his background and his record.

“I am proud that I tried to give a voice to ordinary, everyday Australians, who make up the majority of our population but are largely ignored by the decision makers in the political sphere.”

While Muir is running for re-election with the Motoring Enthusiast Party, he has packed up his parliamentary office.

“My Canberra office is now bare, my heart is heavy, but tomorrow is another day and I am willing and ready to stand again.”

“Let’s hope that after July 2 (providing that is the official election date), that these lyrics become quite fitting and Australia still has a diverse Senate, not a rubber stamp!”

Muir then went on to quote from Radiohead’s Karma Police, with a link to the video clip for the seminal song.

ricky muir FB