
Crikey writes: Re. “MWF stumbles at first hurdle” (Friday). In Friday’s edition, we wrote that author Ruth Wykes had “campaigned against porn or sex work at some point”. This is incorrect. While Melinda Tankard-Reist and Meagan Tyler have campaigned against porn and sex work, Wykes has not, and has publicly advocated for the rights of sex workers and decriminalisation of sex work. We apologise for the error.

On anti-Islam sentiment

John Richardson writes: Re. “The anti-Islam crusade endorsed by Bolt, Kruger is already happening” (Friday). Sonia Kruger seems to be one of those shallow, unapologetically rude and self-serving people who, as one of this country’s so-called “media personalities”, will say anything to get attention. Let’s not forget that the lady has form when it comes to vilifying people she considers aren’t fit to share her shabby stage, having lashed-out about the alleged “sweat shop of illegal immigrants” working on her wardrobe for the Melbourne Cup carnival back in 2008. At least Pauline Hanson understands the meaning of self-parody.

On wind power 

Roger Clifton writes: Re. “How The Australian got it hopelessly wrong on wind energy” (Friday). Marvellous graph! Wind enthusiasts can point to the fact that South Australia has 1600 MW of wind capacity, roughly equal to the state consumption of power. But the equality is fiction, comparing apples with oranges. In fact average production due to wind was 176 MW, a capacity factor of only 11%. Wind production is essentially spiky, and requires fast-responding OCGT to balance it. However OCGT is less gas efficient than CCGT, and always risks costing more gas than the wind has saved.