On the Census

Marilyn Chapple writes: Re. “ABS denies census is in crisis, with one in five forms still missing” (Friday). Maybe there is an explanation for many of the missing census forms. I have received four census forms. Three were posted, with three different logins, to three different versions of my address, which is a dual  occupancy that seems to confuse all bureaucracies. The third letter came after the census date. Then a few days ago I returned home to find a paper form under the door, with a prepaid return envelope. I completed one form online early on census day, as blind Freddie could have guessed  the system would crash. Thank goodness I’ve kept the receipt from the ABS. But I have no idea how I’m going to convince them that there is only one dwelling here, not three.

Iain MacPhail writes: It was with considerable reluctance that we finally sent off the form for the recent census. A month ago we submitted an inquiry to the ABS: “Tomorrow our household will be required to fill out the form for the 2016 Census. I see a census as a good thing, and have always been keen that we should be counted. Until this year. … We are in a quandary. It seems that if we are to preserve our privacy, we must either refuse to complete the census form and face a heavy fine, or join the mass of those prepared to obfuscate. Can you please demonstrate how these concerns are either false or are being addressed?” We have received no acknowledgement. We do not make a habit of refusing to comply with law and regulations, but in this case we felt compelled to leave the census forms incomplete.