The lights were still out in South Australia while Coalition politicians, right up to and including Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, were either directly blaming renewable energy for the blackout or attacking “aggressive” renewable energy targets for the infrastructure that collapsed. Turnbull was quick to point out he’s a personal fan of renewable energy given he has solar panels on the roof of his luxury Point Piper mansion. But as Michael says in The Godfather, “it’s not personal, Sonny, it’s strictly business”. This is where donations from energy and coal companies have gone in the last five years to the federal branches of the major parties.
Donors include such well-regarded firms as Linc Energy, now failed, bankrupt US coal miner Peabody, and Santos, currently trading at less than a quarter of its share price of two years ago when prime minister Tony Abbott and his senior minister attacked Australian National University for divesting in it.
Where did fossil fuel company donations in the lead-up to the federal election go? We won’t know until February due to our appalling, anti-democratic donation disclosure laws.
These clowns would not be nearly so irksome if they didn’t bang on about innovation in the same breath.
Gee you mean Fizza is lying to himself, lying to us and lying to his party?
“Energy and coal”? Of course, you mean, “Coal, oil and gas”. After all, our energy consumption is necessary, but we do want it to be coming from everywhere else than fossil carbon.
Considering The Greens’ selective silence when they condemn coal alone, it does raise the question of whether they too, are accepting money from oil-and-gas, perhaps under a greenwashed label of “Energy”.
Roger the Greens do not accept corporate donations. Never have, never will.
Read the answer from John Newton below to your question.
Check out if it is accurate [hint: it is].
Then ask yourself – “Why did I ‘raise the question” – when a little bit of research and/or knowledge about the subject would have made me realize it was a stupid and ignorant question?
And tell us your answer.
Greens are the biggest campaigners against gas – or haven’t you been listening? Ditto moves away from oil. As for donations -Greens do not accept donations from fossil fuel companies – ever. Don’t imply they do. Easily disproven so your agenda must be political.
John Newton — thank you for that info (that Greens don’t accept corporate donations), it is an important contrast to the bigger parties. Do you have a confirming link to share with us?
Oh, p-uh-lease Roger! Are you after an audited statement? During the next election, look at what the major parties spend on the huge billboards (roadside and mobile), the people who are paid to wave at traffic, the television advertisements, the obscene kilometres of plastic bunting at election booths. And then, join the dots. Did you really think that party memberships pay for all that paraphernalia?
Oh, and the plethora of full-page newspaper ads; let’s not forget them.
That is not how the game is played.
The person who makes the claim provides the substantiation for that claim and you made the claim above -“, it does raise the question of whether they [the Greens] too, are accepting money from oil-and-gas, ” so it is up to you to provide a link that substantiates such a ‘question’ being raised by you.
You’ve used the Fox News trick of ‘just asking questions /just putting it out there” in an attempt to smear the Greens and then you’ve tried to evade such by shifting the burden of proof onto John newton.
Its interesting that you ignored my response to you over an hour previous which pointed out that not only is John correct but that you could easily verify that, something you should have done before you made the baseless accusation and if you had done it then you could not, in honesty, have written your smear.
“The hand that holds the carrot.”
…. Someone has to try to keep them afloat – why not the government they sponsor.
The biggest hypocrite of all was Xylophone who was partly instrumental in SA being privatised in the first place.