There’s pink all the way down the road from the airport, kids dressed in flamingo-ish sweatshirts waving big Hillary signs of the same hue. Diamante ’50s lettering for the H, nice Vegas touch.
There’s dozens of them, maybe hundreds — even so, they’re spread thin. Vegas is so biiiiiig, bigly big, makes LA look like a walled village. The city hasn’t dropped a beat for the debate. Corporate planes landing, huge motorcades, Vegas swallows it all.
Was going to be a big double-header, the debate at the uni — “not at MGM Grand?” said the hotel concierge. “Everything’s at the MGM grand” — and the Rolling Stones at the arena. That’s Vegas. Tenth down the what’s on list is the Stones. Sadly, they cancelled. Mick has a throat thing. Vegas, gully trap of all cultures, all memories.
Including the ’90s it seems. As the third debate is beginning (got the live blog here) in Vegas, the Trump camp has thrown everything at the Clintons — having found a new accuser of Bill (who was going to have to shake hands with her in the family greeting, a practice now abandoned), and Barack Obama’s half-brother, who is a Trump supporter — and also a Hamas supporter.
With the polls heading yet further south for Trump, this is his last chance to reset the campaign — especially as Madonna has now offered a blowjob to anyone who votes for Hillary. Um. Alaska and Texas are now in play.
So much so that Trump has actually been preparing for this debate — with Reince Priebus playing the moderator … and Chris Christie playing Hillary …
Over to the live blog, and let’s see what happens …
The telling moment of that 90 minutes was Trump refusing (twice) to say whether he will accept the election result to ensure a smooth transition of power.
A megalomaniac thoroughbred.
Finally no handshake. Is that a first, GR? A very unhealthy political scene.
What a shameful example of verticalism is the title of this piece!
The lack of comments to this post shows that thinking people have given up on this shabby soap opera. All that’s left is a “big picture” analysis which indicates that the American Empire is in an advanced and probably terminal state of decay. The great offices of state are there but great potential officers are no longer stepping up to the plate and what steps up are loonies, crazies, psychopaths and sociopaths. All that can be said of this “debate” is that the choice now is between a psychopath and a sociopath. The psychopath is a known quantity who will deliver more of the same; more fear, more hatred, more foreign wars, maybe even a nuclear confrontation. The sociopath possibly might not. What a choice. I am glad I am not an American.
Great comment from the Drumpf at a rally after “I respect this great democratic process and will accept the result… IF I WIN!”
So that’s all right then, panic over, no 2nd Amendment crazies will fire anything at anyone.
The problem is that, with two truly appalling candidates – both of whom would be crushed to a smear on the floor by a normal candidate – it’s not possible for them both to lose so that amerika might, just might recover.