So much for Coalition being good economic managers 

Tim Stephens writes: Re. “Don’t believe ScoMo’s spin, the Coalition ran our economy into the ground” (yesterday). Couldn’t agree more with Alan Austin article. What a bunch of losers the Liberal/Conservatives are, and on what they claim is their strongest ability: economic management! In four years of economic mis-management they have managed to accelerate debt accumulation and want to reduce government income further with a tax reduction for companies, many of which don’t pay anywhere near the current  tax rate.

How do the Liberals plan to provide health care, education, infrastructure etc etc without capital? They have no idea. Australia’s economy is being drive by political ideologues who are under the control of big donors to the conservatives. That is why negative gearing is not driving up house prices and climate scientist are all wrong on the dangers facing us (and our economy) from carbon. Hell they even have Arthur Sinodinos delivering interviews on the ABC preaching trust and management abilities, from a man who was once treasurer of a certain Liberal Party organisation and couldn’t remember getting huge donations etc. Poor old Malcolm tried so hard to be PM to push his once small L liberal agenda and now seems to be a born again loony conservative. Gone is the desire for a fair Australia, gone is the need to fix global warming because Pauline went to the reef and fixed it.

Thanks God “‘the adults are back in charge”.

On Bob Katter and Jesus

Jackie French writes: Re. “Gin and Jesus: rogue One Nation senator’s day in court” (yesterday). The gospel quote “fought the good fight” comes from the letters of St Paul, and refers to himself, not Jesus.