On Turnbull’s sycophant speech

Kezlvin Zhang writes: Re. “Turnbull channels vintage Keating, not that it will help” (February 10) 
There should be an analysis Turnbull’s Fiery attack on the opposition leader in terms of the timing of the findings of the Royal Commission into Child Abuse. As a Catholic – I myself couldn’t digest or reflect on the findings due to the Turnbull distraction.  Something which would have been welcomed by Messers Joyce, Abetz, Abbot and Andrews. Please do not get distracted from the pain and anguish of these young innocents.

On “closing the gap”

Meredith Williams writes: Re. ‘Indigenous gap remains stubbornly wide‘ (Tuesday)

No need to worry about the width of the gap. As long as we keep having smiling selfies with painted faces, making wordy acknowledgements of country, throwing money at ill-devised projects, setting up advisory commissions and attending token smoking ceremonies we can ignore the report for another year and keep on pretending we’re actually doing something. 

On One Nation’s “sophistication”

John Richardson writes: Re. “Dear Arthur Sinodinos, please explain One Nation’s sophistication” (Wednesday)

In response to Crikey’s inquiry regarding his allegation that One Nation is “sophisticated”, Senator the Hon Arthur Sinodinos AO, Minister for Industry, Innovation & Science has rejected suggestions that “he can’t recall” & has confirmed that he’s just trying not to.