Anti-abortion activists have sent their followers a step-by-step guide to tweeting to protest against the Australian government continuing to fund abortion overseas. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, commendably, has refused to follow the example of the Trump administration and cut funding for access to, and advice on, safe abortion services as part of foreign aid, which has infuriated the “life begins at ejaculation” crowd. The email, shared with Crikey, goes on:

“We are working with a number of young prolifers who have asked if we can mobilize twitter users.  The following prolife groups/individual sites will be actively tweeting:  (Please retweet) @RightToLifeAust @LifeChoiceSyd @AbortionRethink @CherishLifeQLD @NSWRTL @ACLobby @LyleShelton”

It also instructs right to lifers, step-by-step, “on how to use Twitter”. For those of us who muted #auspol eight years ago, it’s yet further confirmation that hashtag is a wasteland:

 The instructions don’t include how to change your profile picture (maybe Ben can help with that), so be prepared for more egg account spam.