Is there an Australia left worth saving?

Meredith Williams writes: Re: “Abbott-Turnbull: it’s on, but there’s a third player” (Friday). She’ll be right, mate, and so will he. Too right! With the current mob of sheep in parliament, all following each other further and further to the right, soon there’ll be no Australia left worth keeping.

Phillip Roslan writes: Regarding Abbott’s ongoing disruption to the Liberal leadership, I am reminded of an old quote from Paul Keating.

Paul Keating stated: “You know what Tony Abbott’s policy is: ‘If you don’t give me the job, I’ll wreck the place’.” 

On penalty rates

Edward Zakrzewski writes:Nuance wont cut it on penalty rates“. We used to have wages growth, then we had wages stagnation, now we have cuts to wages. Welcome to the beginning of third world Australia.