Jobs for the boys” is what then-shadow comms minister Jason Clare said when former Ozemail exec and Netcomm chairman Justin Milne was appointed to the NBN board at the end of 2013, and now it looks like Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull found another job for Milne, with AFR‘s Joe Aston reporting Milne has been tapped to be the new ABC chairman. Turnbull is set to announce the appointment later this week. Milne’s appointment to NBN back in 2013 was mildly controversial in that it directly contradicted what Turnbull had said before the election. When Ms Tips heard in 2013 that Milne was likely to be the new NBN CEO, Turnbull was on the phone quicksmart to say “no commitments have been made to anyone”. Milne ultimately was given a board job rather than the CEO job, but if Aston’s reporting is correct, it looks like Turnbull found a better job for Milne.