Is nobody editing the opinion page of The Australian (and I use the verb “edit” in its basic journalistic sense, that is, cutting out the rubbish)?
This morning they published yet another anti-public broadcasting rant from Maurice Newman that was so choked with false assumptions and unsubstantiated assertions that any decent editor would have sent it back for a major re-write — or just impaled it on the spike.
By now we’ve become accustomed to Mad Maurie’s suite of paranoias, most of which seem to stem from a belief that there is a Green/left media conspiracy to undermine our great institutions, subvert the economy, impose what he imagines to be gay/lesbian values and corrupt the political process.
As a former head of the ASX, Newman doesn’t so much want to drive the money-lenders from the temple as expel the progressives from our newsrooms.
[What Chris Mitchell gets so wrong about the ABC]
So blinded by his personal prejudices is this neocon zealot that he peddles them as fact. Thus, he can proclaim that a preference for diversity on SBS “has contributed to the abridgement of free speech, identity politics, a divided society, growing intolerance and diminished national pride”.
Not a single example is offered to substantiate this bizarre collection of claims.
Turning his popguns on the ABC, Newman asserts that Aunty has “a lack of editorial curiosity or disposition to surprise”. Yet at the same time he complains about “the undue political attention it receives from Canberra”. Could this possibly be because AM, PM, 7:30 and Four Corners keep showing sufficiently surprising curiosity to help set the political agenda?
But for Newman, there is an even more sinister force lurking behind public broadcasting in Australia: totalitarianism. I kid you not. Listen and learn:
“To the totalitarians, public broadcasters are valuable allies and they religiously court them through direct contact with producers, presenters and management and via organisations like the Friends of the ABC. They want government-sanctioned journalism.”
Yes folks, the Stalinists are marching on Ultimo and Southbank, and for Newman the only remedy is a Final Solution:
“We can no longer dismiss the improvements to our freedoms, budgets and national debate the break-up and sale of our public broadcasters would deliver us.”
Quite who might want to buy these debased media outlets, or how they could then be run as profitable businesses, is left unsaid. Newman has never been good at details. Mind you, he reckons — with a characteristic grand leap of self-contradictory illogic — that the existing SBS ad revenues should be made available to the commercial networks.
[Sport and pop music? What it would mean for the ABC to reach 100% of Australians]
What muddle-headed Maurie misses is the fundamental distinction between public and commercial broadcasting. The customers for the ABC and SBS are their audiences; the customers for commercial TV and radio are advertising agencies.
Newman clearly doesn’t recognise or understand that difference, which renders his whole position absurd.
As they say in ‘Beauty and the Beast’: “Crazy old Maurice; he’s always good for laugh…”
The commercial networks are barely keeping their heads above water so what advantage is there in selling off bits of the ABC to them? Any quality content they’d access would immediately be dumbed down and compromised by their advertising clients. Don’t expect any current affairs revelations if a major sponsor is suspected of dealing in slave-labour…or worse.
The ABC has no conflict of interest – an intangible asset which is priceless, it cannot be bought. It’s no surprise that an ex-ASX boffin would not understand such a concept.
Aunty does have something of a conflict, and that is with the status quo.
You won’t see much questioning of neoliberalism or its tenets anywhere, for example, and while you will get stuff about the impacts thereof (inequality, etc), you will only see people thinking about possible solutions inside the constraints of the same system that has produced them.
For a recent example, look at Stan Grant’s interview of Dick Smith on “The Link”.
Presumably Newman’s 5 years as Chairman of the ABC Board were a failure.
Morrie Newman – Igor, to Howard’s Frankenstein……
There actually is some logic in all the arguments he makes, and it is this: every proposal he makes is intended to make wealth move upwards. If you can’t sell ABC, then just dismantle it so advertisers get more eyeballs on commercial TV and the budget bottom line shrinks by $1B pa. This is also the guy who wants the family home assessed for pension eligibility, which would force people to sell their homes, need to rent and STILL not get the pension. From his point of view, however, it makes a whole lot more real estate available for negatively geared investors.
This man isn’t stupid. Just evil. Certainly there should be no place for him in public policy, because he just doesn’t believe in it. His death will leave the world marginally better off. If anyone can think of one good thing that is a result of his life, please let me know.
Great points, particularly ‘This man isn’t stupid. Just evil’. Bahahahaha!!