On Dutton’s dishonesty

Meredith Williams writes: Re. “Just trust us on Manus facts, says secrecy-obsessed govt” (Monday)

Mr Dutton’s latest attack on the ABC over its reporting of recent violence on Manus Island is simply more of the same truth-avoidance, distortion of reality and abrogation of responsibility. Dutton asks — why take the word of the ABC over the word of the Government? On the contrary, why would anyone take the word of the Government on anything to do with its disastrous off-shore detention policies? The Department of Immigration and Torture in particular has lost all credibility with its cover-ups, stuff-ups, shady dealings and human rights abuses.  

Keith Binns writes: Re. “Lying dud Dutton and his lying dud department” (Monday)

Well, Dutton has just flushed any chance of his being PM — “Out of evil cometh good.”

On Anzac outrage

Niall Clugston writes: Re. “Lest we forget Anzac outrage” (Monday).

It is an absolute disgrace that these clubs have besmirched the dignity and glory of war in order to promote their tawdry forms of entertainment. I’m sure that the last things that the diggers had on their minds in trenches were homosexuality, alcohol, and female nudity.