On university funding cuts

Michael Quincey O’Neill writes: Re. “Education Minister renews government attack on young Australians” (Tuesday)

The baby boomers have the power, the economy is struggling, so they need to find another group of people to squeeze and have chosen Millennials as their victims. Of course, they don’t realise that in a decade or two, we’ll be deciding the weight of their pensions. Methinks reverse mortgaging your pension will become a VERY popular policy proposal around that time.

Adrian Jackson writes: Re. “Education Minister renews government attack on young Australians” (Tuesday)

As someone who never went to university, but has paid taxes all my adult life, I am pleased tertiary students will pay their way to qualify for a well paid career, if they make the right choice of university course. Further, there should be a financial penalty for students who do not complete their degree because they change their mind or qualify but don’t use the qualification (eg a law graduate who choose to become a comedian).

These students have denied other students a place. Some students who graduate, like doctors, should be required to work for five years in a rural area instead of Australia importing doctors from poorer countries. There has to be a better balance in course numbers and we should not, for example, provide places for too many lawyers at the expense of not enough places for doctors.

On Matt Canavan’s boycott calls

Mike Westerman writes: Re. “Canavan’s call to boycott Westpac a colossally stupid salvo in the new Truth Wars” (Tuesday)

The saddest sight is to hear this member of our currently ruling “wimps” decry Westpac as wimps for not standing up to protesters. Clearly standing up to the government is manly enough for them! Meanwhile, Adani gets on with building billions of dollars worth of solar projects while it waits for the sorry state of its balance sheet in the coal sector to be forgotten about. And in Qld, 2GW of solar is on the way.